

I struggle to be as jovial as I can be,
But it all ends when I see
The most horrific of sights,
A sight that comes on the most moonless of nights.

I see a familiar face,
A face that makes everything a blurry haze.
A face that has existed as long has I have on this Earth,
It knows my every thought,
It was with me since birth,
It is driven on making me rot.

A reflection this face is,
One that is embedded with the devil's kiss.
A creature driven on emotion,
Just to make my destruction in motion.

The creature say,"I know what you want,
A challenge, a puzzle... anything to make your brain slant.
My words you should heed,
For I know what your mind desperately needs,
Wreak havoc and from reality run away,
And remodel your dead mind,
For this is your kind,
Your mind must be flayed."

"If I refuse."
"Then painful memories will be in use,
Horrid memories you hid away,
Shall no longer be hidden, nay!"
"Give me the pain!"
"You will suffer more than you gain."

I felt a rain of needles hit my soul,
I was a prisoner in my own blood and flesh,
As my memories consumed me whole.

Then I woke up a fresh,
Thankful as the pain ceased,
And realized that I was greased.
I couldn't find the creature,
But its scars left a grave misfeature.

As those memories came back to me,
I realized something,
That only with pain can there be glee,
The pain may be mind-wrecking,
But there is always joy at the end,
Everything has an equivalent opposite entity,
That's what gives everything its identity,
Our foes not surroundings define us,
Balance is a law of reality, that refuses to bend!  


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